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Engaged in Email

When planning a wedding, communication is key. How can technology make planning your wedding less stressful? This post will help you tackle just that.

The first thing to do is email. We suggest making a specific email address for all of your special day correspondence. When you register for wedding shows or submit info to event requests your email address, you can give them your “wedding” email address instead of your personal email address to cut back on what you’ll see as spam later.

Make sure to add an email signature with your phone number, event date, and party location. This helps vendors a bunch in remembering your event.

We recommend Gmail, as you can utilize the Drive (part of the Google Suite) to put wedding contracts, ideas, photos, documents. Add in the labels on the email portion, and you'll easily be able to know what needs a follow-up or reply. Once an email is dealt with, we recommend archiving it. If you haven't used this, it removes the email from the inbox, but keeps it in your records. You can always search for it later.

Google Drive is a great tool to keep all of your documents in the cloud and on the go. When clients come to us for their initial meeting, they occasionally forget what times they've booked their venue. Once you've booked with a vendor, you can easily put their contract on Google Drive for quick reference. This becomes the online version of having a big binder full of contracts and wedding ideas.

All of these aspects of the Google suite can be put on your phone with their various apps. By including a document page to each vendor section on your drive, you can effortlessly keep track of notes and ideas for each portion.

Once you have selected a vendor, make sure to email all of the other vendors in that category that you're no longer in need of their services. This way, you don't waste time opening and reading emails from vendors that haven't heard back from you. We definitely don't like clients who 'ghost' on us after requesting information. When potential clients don't get back to vendors, many have protocols in place to stop reaching out or cancel their client records after a certain number of emails or days. If that happens, clients can lose out on the chance to work with certain vendors they may have been referred to specifically.

Once the wedding is over, many vendors will send a review request after the wedding. Make sure to review your vendors, and if you don't feel like having the designated wedding email address any longer, you can easily switch back to a personal email.

Simply close the email account and you never have to worry about getting wedding emails again.

Let us know of any suggestions you might have of making it easier to communicate with your vendors or clients!



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